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First Weekly Freebie

It's been a LONG time since my first post, but hopefully I can keep this blog up consistently from now on. I've started drawing clipart and I have found it quite addicting. I LOVE using Illustrator as a creative outlet. My goal is to give out a weekly clipart freebie here on the blog. So here is the first one two. These two critters are part of my Winter Kids clipart pack that you can find in my TpT store. I hope these little guys will find their way into something you're creating. Click on the images to download your freebie.

Here's a preview of my Winter Kids pack


1 comment:

  1. Your clipart is adorable - so creative. I will have to check out your TPT store. Love to hear more about making math amusing. I teach 3rd grade and math is my primary subject. I am always looking for ways to grow myself as a teacher. I enjoyed seeing your blog! Have a great rest of the week! ToTheEdge
