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Your Opinion Needed + Weekly Freebie

Dear blogging friends,
I need your help. As you know from my previous post I like to create clipart. It's my new guilty pleasure. My family has been a bit neglected since I started illustrating. Oops!


Option 1

What I need your help with is deciding which style of clipart to continue doing. Option 1the more classic look.

Option 2

Or option 2- the more polished look (for lack of better description).  I do illustrate for fun, but I've put it on my TpT store as well. For a thank you for giving me your feedback, both of these girls are a free download. Click on the picture.
So, which one would you prefer if you were to use it on a product you're creating?


  1. Oh my goodness, your clipart is super cute! Thanks for the freebies! I prefer option 1. I find it stands out more. Keep up the good work!

    Mrs. Mathis' Homeroom

    1. Aww!!! Thank you Renee! I really appreciate your feedback. I'll continue doing freebies here on the blog so keep checking back. :)

  2. I'm coming over to you from Hanging Around in Primary. I'm your newest follower!
    Oh my! I love your clip art! They are both just adorable! However, if I were to choose, I think I would go ahead with Option 2. I like the no outline, with the shadowy look in #2. Thanks so much!

    Garden Full of Knowledge

  3. I am also coming over from Hanging Around in Primary! :)
    I am so jealous of your drawing talent!! I am have been trying to create clip art in photoshop, I really enjoy drawing. But, I am not actually very good at it! :P BUT - I'm going to keep at it and maybe I'll improve! :) Thanks for sharing freebies!! I am starting to have a better appreciation for all the tpt freebies out there! (Being a new seller myself and discovering how much time a product takes to make.)
